important nothings

Checking in on goals

Well, we’re a quarter of the way in to 2018, so I figured it was a good time to check in on my goals for the year. I’m a big fan of tracking progress, and what better way to stay accountable than to blog about it?


Complete one craft project a month
So far, so good. I’ve finished up some toddler costumes, finished a few embroidery projects for the hall bath, and made an armchair caddy for my grandma’s birthday.

Participate in the Goodreads 2018 Reading Challenge

My goal is to read 52 books this year. We’re 14 weeks in and I’ve finished 10, but I’m not too worried about catching up because EfM reading slows me down a bit but will be done in June.

Create and maintain a home yoga practice

Yikes. Very little progress toward this one. I did attend a workshop about this very topic but have yet to put what I learned into practice.

Purchase next to zero clothing items

I think I’m doing well with this one. I have made a few very mindful purchases–mostly “mom style” stuff that I really needed to fill some gaps in my wardrobe–but I’m happy with those.

Be in bed by 9 pm

I tend to do well with this one on the nights when it’s easiest / most convenient. Ha! Isn’t that how it goes with goals? I need to prioritize this one for sure.

Get up at 6 am

Um, no. No. This has not happened. I could list a thousand excuses, everything from allergy season requiring the occasional Benadryl to having a toddler and needing every minute of sleep I can get, but I think this may be a goal I need to save for a future season of life. I’m keeping it around for now because I’d really love to get up at 6; I just don’t know if it’s reasonable to expect that of myself.

How are your 2018 goals coming along?

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