
Seamless: Week One

This week, we focused on Genesis and Hebrew oral tradition. I know I’ve written before about how I feel bogged down in Genesis . . . well, in the five books of Moses . . . well, in the Old Testament in general . . . BUT because I’m so excited about seeing the thread… Read More Seamless: Week One


Starting Seamless

I’m so excited about the summer Bible study of Angie Smith’s Seamless that Lifeway is hosting on their blog! The first post is about getting to know the women participating in the study, especially why they were drawn to Seamless. For me, Seamless is exactly what I need in terms of putting the Bible together… Read More Starting Seamless


Summer Devotional

Oh, summertime. The slow pace. The sun. The vacations. The cocktails on the patio and the hamburgers on the grill. The schoolwork. Yep. Teachers have to do schoolwork over the summer. I know, right? Of course, every teaching situation is different, so I can only speak for myself, but I spend roughly 20 hours a… Read More Summer Devotional

life lately

Life Lately

There was a very cool program at the museum that involved local artists working with floral design. And there was champagne.            I’ve been reading Make It Happen by the ever–inspiring Lara Casey. Truth be told, I started reading my Kindle edition the day it came out and planned to join an… Read More Life Lately


Try the World Review

UPDATE: While I enjoyed these boxes, I think it’s only fair to let you know that Try the World charged me for two additional boxes that I never received. I’m currently trying to resolve this issue, but it’s difficult because there is NO contact phone number for customer service, only email (I know it’s the 21st… Read More Try the World Review