
Reading Lately

Loved Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman Even though this book was published just after WWII, so much of it still resonates today. Howard Thurman is deeply theological while being completely accessible (one of my favorite combinations in writers). He helped me to see how even though we claim to be all one in… Read More Reading Lately


CSA Box: February 15

Read more about why I love CSA and locally–grown fruits and veggies here. This week’s box: broccoli dino kale strawberries* fennel turnips green onions grapefruit 2 blood oranges lettuce * Can we talk for a second about the cartwheeling and dancing that goes on in my household when strawberries are back in season? It’s embarrassing.… Read More CSA Box: February 15

important nothings

Hello, 2016

I’ve written before about how I’m not the biggest “Hooray, new year’s!” person ever. I still blame the fact that I tend to remember things more in terms of school years than calendar years. Regardless, I have a hard time getting into the whole goal–setting or resolution–making scheme. I’ve tried various tools over the years—worksheets,… Read More Hello, 2016