I love decorating for holidays. I’m not someone who redecorates my house constantly or even has many options when it comes to decorating—hello, renting!—but I like how holiday decorations change it up a bit throughout the year.
Lately, I’ve been trying to simplify holiday decor. I don’t want to have to haul out tons of boxes and completely redo every bookshelf only to pack it up again in a few weeks. I think things like Pinterest and the Pottery Barn catalog can be pretty to look at but also stressful if we let them become the standard for our real-life homes. I’d rather have a few meaningful, festive items tucked around my house that remind me of the season without making me feel like I’m in charge of the Macy’s windows on West 34th!
Here are a few of my Easter favorites:
My mom gave me this set of Peeps salt and pepper shakers. I love Peeps! They’ve always been my favorite Easter candy, so my mom saw these and had to get them for me. How cute, right?
I got this garland in the dollar spot at Target. It was originally a set of ornaments, but I knew I wanted to put them on our little mantle, so I restrung them on some ribbon. $1 for this level of preciousness? Yes, please.
This is a little DIY project I whipped up one afternoon. Favorite Easter verse + scrapbook paper punch + picture frame = a reminder of what this season is really about.
My mother-in-law gave us these adorable baskets one year. I put one in the bathroom with hand towels and one in the kitchen with Easter treats.
If you’re looking for a creative bridal shower idea, take a page out of my sister’s book! When my sister was a newlywed, she noticed that she didn’t have many holiday decorations. She’s collected them over the years since then, of course, but she thought a fun bridal shower gift would be a collection of various holiday decorations. As soon as I got engaged, she started collecting them, hunting through gift shops and hitting up the after-holiday sales at Pottery Barn and Crate & Barrel.
At my bridal shower, she had 12 gifts, one for each month! Fall hand towels for October, a lovely Christmas ornament for December, napkin rings that said Madame and Monsieur for our anniversary month. Adorable!
The gift for May was this cute butterfly spatula. I add it to my regular kitchen utensils every spring.
Okay, that was a really long story for a spatula. Apologies. It was more about giving you a creative gift idea, okay? : D
This isn’t a decoration exactly, but can we just talk for a minute about how cute these Easter treats for my nieces and nephew are? If you’re ever looking for religious-themed items for kids, check out your local dollar store. Some of these items came in multi-packs, so I was able to put together these three baskets for $15.
I’m a big fan of giving consumables as gifts. Use ’em up, enjoy ’em, and don’t worry about having to store them somewhere for all posterity. ; )
Well, there you have it! A few simple spring favorites brightening up my little home. How about you? What do you look forward to decorating with every Easter?
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