Today, I’m participating in the She Reads Truth devotional-writing project. You can read more about the project and check out other SRT readers’ devotionals here.
At this point in the Book of Joshua, Moses has died and God is speaking to Joshua. He is commanding Joshua to take over the duties of Moses and reassuring him that he is never alone.
Can you imagine? Taking over the duties of Moses? Talk about a tough act to follow!
But God doesn’t seem worried about Joshua having to fill those shoes. In fact, He doesn’t even mention to Joshua how big this task really is. He focuses on reassuring Joshua, reminding him that He is with Joshua as much as He was with Moses.
He says, “There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee” (Joshua 1:5, KJV). He then reminds Joshua–again and again–that he should not be afraid and that his focus should be the book of the law.
What resonates with me is that God doesn’t say to Joshua, “You’ve got a pretty big responsibility here. Do you realize that? Remember the plagues, the Red Sea, those tablets on Mount Sinai? You’re the guy in charge now. You up for all this?”
In fact, He doesn’t talk much about the task or Moses at all. He focuses on two things: the importance of the book of the law and not being afraid.
What if we were able to do this?
What if instead of being overwhelmed, we focused on the Book? What if instead of being filled with anxiety and worry, we remembered not to be afraid? What if instead of thinking about ourselves in terms of how we’ll measure up to someone else, we thought about ourselves the way He thinks about us–as being such special individuals that we have no place for comparison?
What if we approached everything we face the way God wants Joshua to face this?
Because the truth is that He will never give us a task we can’t handle. He’ll never compare us to anyone else or make us feel pressured that we won’t measure up. He’ll never abandon us, and He’ll never let us be dismayed. Like Joshua, we have no reason for fear because He is with us wherever we go.
No matter what seemingly insurmountable task you face today, approach it the way God wants Joshua to approach this. Focus on the Book. Speak the truth. Remember what we’ve been commanded. Be not afraid.
Because He is with you wherever you go.
Beautifully written, wonderful words for my soul this morning. I pray that I might focus on the Word and being courageous when I start to feel overwhelmed and anxious. Thank you, from a SRT sister.
Thanks so much!
So much truth here! The Book and Him. What else do we need!
Amen! : )
Needed to hear this today. Thanks for the post!
Thanks for reading! : )
He’ll never let us be dismayed. He is always with us. Praise The Lord! Amen!
Such a great reminder, isn’t it? I love these verses!
I absolutely loved your post, thanks for sharing!
Thank you! : )