As you can see, the excitement around here truly never ends. Wink.
We’re leaving on a jet plane soon—details to come, promise—and now that I have this new love of embroidery, I’ll be packing a project for the flight.
Thanks to a bad experience in Honolulu a few years ago,* I’m kind of terrified of TSA and going through airport security. It makes me really anxious, so I tend to overanalyze what I’m packing and how I’m packing it. And I only take a carry–on, so that adds to the issue about what’s allowed and what isn’t.
According to the TSA website, you can pack scissors that have a blade shorter than 4 inches.
But my pounding heart, dry mouth, shaking hands, and I are not taking any chances.
Check out my packing plan:
- pattern
- instructions
- embroidery hoop
- pencil
- needles in the adorable sleeve from Clementine Patterns
- nail clippers so I don’t need scissors (take that, TSA!)
- embroidery floss (keep reading)
How to pack embroidery floss:
Cut an index card or some cardstock into strips about 6 inches by 2 inches.
Cut little triangles out of the edges.
Label with the embroidery floss colors.
Cut the floss into the lengths you’ll need. For me, that’s about 18 inches. Cut the appropriate amount per color based on your pattern, but add a little extra. I’m no geography expert, but there probably isn’t a Michaels at 30,000 feet.
Wrap the cut floss around the card under its label.
Now you won’t have to do any cutting to get a new piece of floss. You’ll just need to cut as you finish a section of embroidery. Neat, right?
Find the right bag:
I’m using this bag from RuMe because it stays flat and has different pockets for the different items I’ll need.
The back pocket is large enough for the pattern, even after I’ve started embroidering, but the whole bag is small enough to fit in my carry–on very easily.
I have a love / hate relationship with packing, so you can expect more packing–related posts in the next couple of weeks. Lucky you. ; )
* I should add that the bad experience was through NO fault of my own. Extremely rude TSA worker in Honolulu who made me cry, if you’re reading this, I want you to know that I still clench my fist and curse your miserable existence pray for you daily. Okay, weekly.
Any oddly specific packing tips to share? I’m all ears!
How fun! I hope you are going somewhere exciting and relaxing! I wish I could embroider, I started something almost a year ago, and it too like most crafty stuff I try is buried deep in a cabinet somewhere… Happy travelling!
I know exactly what you mean! My sewing, knitting, scrapbooking, and wreath-making supplies are all sitting in a cabinet, taking up space. I’ve finally found a craft I enjoy doing enough to keep it around (and luckily it doesn’t require much storage).
And thank you! We’re heading to Hong Kong and Japan in July–details to come! : )
Oh wow, now those are long flights, dude. Lots of activities needed for that.
Haha! Right?? Trying to stay occupied!